Are you worried about potential dust explosions in your manufacturing environment?
Welcome to East Coast Industro Services, your trusted partner for ATEX High Level Cleaning of combustible dusts in Zones 21 & 22. We understand the criticality of preventing dust explosions, and that’s why we offer a specialized cleaning system that ensures safety without compromising on efficiency.
The Danger of Combustible Dust Explosions
Combustible dust, present in the form of powders, flakes, fibers, and more, can become a serious hazard when exposed to an ignition source. The consequences can be catastrophic, leading to extensive damage and, worst of all, loss of lives. The risks are especially pronounced in manufacturing facilities dealing with materials like sugar, flour, grain, wood, metals, and chemicals.

ATEX High Level Cleaning
High Level Cleaning of potentially combustible dusts or explosive dusts from manufacturing environments helps prevent combustible dust explosions. Dust explosions occur when suspended dust particles that is within the explosible range encounters a heat source in a confined space, allowing pressure to build up, causing an explosion.
This explosion is referred to as a primary explosion. The shock wave generated from this explosion causes combustible dust accumulated on roof structures to fall, falling dust also ignites, causing a secondary explosion. This secondary dust explosion is often more destructive than the primary explosion.
Combustible Dust Cleaning
The importance of High Level Cleaning of your factory that produces potentially combustible dust is more than a matter of Hygiene, it is a matter of life and death. Combustible dust explosions causes millions of Dollars of destruction world wide per year, and loss of lives.
East Coast Industro Services makes use of an ATEX Certified High Level Cleaning System that mitigates the risks that are associated with cleaning of combustible dusts from heights. We can effectively clean up to 12 meters high without the risk of working at heights. Extracting dust, debris and cobwebs at the source limits/prevents dust clouds from forming while cleaning.
ATEX Factory Cleaning
East Coast Industro Services makes use of a High Level Cleaning system that is ATEX Certified to be compliant with the ATEX DirectiveATEX Directive 2014/34/EU:ISO 80079-36:2016 and ISO 80079-37. Cleaning internal walls, roof structures, ducting and sprinkler systems up to 12 meters high without the risk of working at heights. Dust and debris is extracted from your factory structure with an ATEX Zone 22 Certified Vacuum Cleaner. From the brush to the Vacuum, every step of the cleaning process is spark-free, reducing the chances of dust explosions.
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Explosive Dust Cleaning
When it comes to combustible dust cleaning, we don’t compromise. Our ATEX Zone 22 Certified Vacuum Cleaner extracts dust, debris, and cobwebs at the source, preventing dust clouds from forming while cleaning. All vacuumed dust is placed into specialised anti static bags for disposal. With over 5.5 tons of combustible dust safely extracted and disposed off, we have a track record of excellence in safety and decontaminating facilities across various industries.
Our Customers High Level Cleaning Untold Success Stories
Trust East Coast Industro Services for Safe and Reliable ATEX High Level Cleaning
Don’t wait for disaster to strike, take action now to safeguard your workplace! Get a Free High Level Cleaning Demonstration. Contact us now and We’ll show you how our innovative cleaning system effectively keeps your facility safe and reduces the risk of dust explosions.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is combustible dust?
A combustible dust is a finely divided solid material that has the ability disperse into the air and catch fire and explode when exposed to an ignition source. Included materials that can be classified as Combustible Dusts are in the physical states of powders, flakes, fines, fibers, etc. This can include materials such as sugar, flour, grain, wood, etc. that are organic.Charcoal, Cotton many metals, and some nonmetallic inorganic materials. Materials that are not “normally” combustible, they can burn or explode if the particles are the right size and in the right concentration.
What are examples of combustible dusts?
Under specific situations many dusts can become combustible. Businesses that generate dust from the purchase, manufacture or processing of raw material. Examples of materials include:
agricultural products such as egg whites, powdered milk, cornstarch, sugar, flour, grain, potato and rice. Metals such as aluminum, bronze, magnesium, zinc, etc.Chemical dusts such as coal, sulphur and Dross
These will also include pesticides, rubber, wood ,textiles, plastics
There are many, many more types of materials that may become a combustible dust.
Which Industries are at risk of a Dust explosion?
Essentially, any workplace that generates dust is potentially at risk. Dusts are created by abrasive blasting, cutting, crushing, mixing, sifting or screening dry materials. Combustible Dusts are also created when materials are transported, handled, processed, polished, ground and shaped. Explosions caused by Combustible Dusts have occurred in many different types of workplaces and industries, including: fertilizer plants, composting facilities, grain elevators, silos, etc. Food production such as sugar factories, bakeries.
Chemical manufacturing within the rubber, plastics and pharmaceutical industry. Fabric manufacturing, Woodworking facilities,
Metal processing and manufacturing (e.g., zinc, magnesium, aluminum, iron),Recycling facilities (e.g., paper, aluminum, plastics, metals), and
Coal mining, processing or coal-fired power plants
How do you clean Combustible dusts from High Bay Areas?
It is important not to generate static electricity and dust clouds when cleaning Combustible Dusts. As both of these actions can cause a combustible dust explosion. We make use of a High Level Cleaning System that is ATEX certified, from the brush to the Vacuum, to ensure spark free cleaning. We extract dust at the source safely from the ground. We are able to effectively clean up to 12 meters high. With this innovative cleaning system we are able to mitigate the risks associated with ATEX High Level Cleaning
What is ATEX?
ATEX is a European directive on minimum requirements for improving the health and safety protection of workers potentially at risk from explosive atmospheres. ATEX designates hazardous materials such as explosives. It imposes requirements for companies that handle,process and transport those dangerous materials, and it requires those companies to protect their employees from the risk of explosion.
What does ATEX Stand for?
ATEX is a French acronym that comes from the description of the hazardous materials — “Appareils destinés à être utilisés en ATmosphères EXplosives.” The translation into English reads, “Devices intended for use in explosive atmospheres.”